So here we are at the beginning, well it would appear as such but doesn’t feel it. Momjerie’ has been bubbling and brewing for the last 3 years. And is finally ready for launch. But this ride,… there seemingly aren’t enough words to describe the blood sweat and fortitude that has brought us to this place. However here are a few key personal drivers that felt appropriate to share as we set off on this journey.
1. Yes, the transition to motherhood changes us but those changes should never be so drastic that we become a title instead of a person.
b. The changes should never be viewed as something that separate us from our womanhood or sexuality.
Last, the struggles that this level of divine responsibility brings, highlights our most attractive qualities.
I think its time we open a new discussion about Motherhood and what makes us look and feel attractive/ sexy as we stand in it.
This brand is my love letter to all mamas…